APHL Awards Program
Welcome to the nomination portal
Nominate your peers and colleagues for one or more APHL Awards to recognize outstanding achievements in laboratory science, creative approaches to today's public health challenges and exemplary support of public health laboratories! Public health laboratories are all local, state, territorial and federal government laboratories that protect the public's health, including laboratories performing human, environmental, animal and food testing.
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Before You Begin
To submit a nomination, you will need to have an APHL online account. If you do not have an account, you can create one by clicking "Create Account" on the top right of this page. If you have questions related to your account or APHL’s Awards Program, please contact our Membership Team at membership@aphl.org.
The APHL Awards Program is accepting nominations for:
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes individuals who have established a history of distinguished service to APHL, made significant contributions to the advancement of public health laboratory science or practice, exhibited leadership in the field of public health, and/or positively influenced public health policy on a national or global level. This is not a retirement award, but a true Lifetime Achievement Award.
Past Winners:
- 2024 – David Mills, PhD, HCLD
- 2023 – Ralph Timperi, Jr., MPH (co-recipient)
- 2023 – Eric Blank, DrPH (co-recipient)
- 2022 – Richard Steece, PhD, D(ABMM)
- 2021 – Peter Shult, PhD
- 2020 – John (Jack) DeBoy, 2nd, MPH, DrPH (co-recipient)
- 2020 – Judith Lovchik, PhD, D(ABMM) (co-recipient)
- 2019 – John Ridderhof, DrPH, HCLD(ABB)
- 2018 – Christopher Atchison, MPA (co-recipient)
- 2018 – Michael Pentella, PhD, D(ABMM) (co-recipient)
- 2017 – Michelle Caggana, ScD, FACMG (co-recipient)
- 2017 – Bala Swaminathan, PhD (co-recipient)
- 2016 – Frances Downs, DrPH (co-recipient)
- 2016 – Charles Brokopp, DrPH, MPH (co-recipient)
- 2015 – Sally Liska, DrPH (co-recipient)
- 2015 – Philip Amusa, PhD, HCLD(ABB) (co-recipient)
- 2014 – Mary Gilchrist, PhD, D(ABMM) (co-recipient)
- 2014 – Steven Hinrichs, MD (co-recipient)
- 2012 – Robert Martin, DrPH (co-recipient)
- 2012 – Kenneth Aldous, PhD (co-recipient)
- 2011 – Norman Crouch, PhD
- 2010 – Ronald Laessig, PhD
- 2009 – Charles Sweet, DrPH
- 2008 – Harry Hannon, PhD (co-recipient)
- 2008 – Nancy Warren, PhD (co-recipient)
- 2004 – George Anderson, GVM, MPH
- 2003 – E. Charles Hartwig, ScD
- 2002 – J. Mehsen Joseph, PhD
- 2000 – Arthur DiSalvo, MD
- 1999 – Stanley Inhorn, MD
- 1998 – William Hausler, PhD
- 1997 – Carl Blank, DrPH
This award is given to an APHL member (individual or laboratory staff) that makes or has made significant contributions to the technical advancement of public health laboratory science and/or practice. A potential candidate may have:
- Developed and/or implemented a new program
- Developed new laboratory methods
- Conducted innovative research
- Developed best technical practices
- Developed partnerships with the public and/or private sector that resulted in significantly improved technology for application in public health, environmental or agricultural laboratories
Additional considerations include whether the candidate is considered an expert in their field, published in peer review journals, served on national committees, etc.
The above are examples to help the nominators frame their response and are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of potential attributes that describe the successful nominee for this category.
Past Winners:
- 2024 – Susanne Crowe, DrPH, MHA
- 2023 – Amy Miles
- 2022 – Henry Leibovitz, PhD
- 2021 – David Boxrud, MS
- 2020 – Noel Stanton, MS
- 2019 – Jack Bennett, BS
- 2018 – Patrick Parsons, PhD, CChem, FRSC
- 2017 – Kimberlee Musser, PhD
- 2016 – Berry Bennett, MPH
- 2015 – Bahman Parsa, PhD
- 2013 – Willy Andrews, MT(ASCP)
- 2012 – New Jersey Public Health and Environmental Laboratory
- 2011 – Stephen Jenniss, MS
- 2010 – Sammie, Malone, MS
- 2009 – Stanley Inhorn, MD
- 2007 – Jack DeBoy, DrPH
- 2006 – Charles Trimarchi, MS
- 2005 – Phillip Amuso, PhD (co-recipient)
- 2005 – James Pearson, DrPH, BCLD, MPH
This award honors a laboratorian with roughly 10 to 15 years of service in a Governmental public health laboratory (either public health or environmental/agricultural laboratory). The honoree:
- Will be recognized as a leader in public health laboratory science
- May have been instrumental in providing technical and public presentations and publications on laboratory science/policy
- May have developed/advocated for best practices in laboratory science
- Worked with APHL by serving on committees and or representing APHL at other meetings to advance public and environmental health
- Served in a leadership role on state agency or national committees or workgroups
- May have conducted or promoted research leading to advancements in laboratory science or public policy
The above are examples to help the nominators frame their response and are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of potential attributes that describe the successful nominee for this category.
Candidates may or may not be a member of APHL. However, they must be employed at an APHL member institutional laboratory. Candidates may hold any rank or title within their respective institutions. Managerial or formal leadership experience is not required.
Past Winners:
- 2024 – Lisa Wallace
- 2023 – Elizabeth Nazarian, MT(ASCP)
- 2022 – Degina Booker, BS, CHP
- 2021 – Shondra Johnson, PMP
- 2020 – Michael Perry, MS, MS Ed. (co-recipient)
- 2020 – Robert Nickla, RBP, M(ASCP) (co-recipient)
- 2019 – Bryan Shaw (co-recipient)
- 2019 – Jason Mihalic, BA, MBA (co-recipient)
- 2018 – Maureen ‘Moe’ Sullivan, MPH (co-recipient)
- 2018 – Martina McGarvey, DM, MS (co-recipient)
- 2017 – David Warshauer, PhD, D(ABMM)
- 2016 – Katherine Heddaeus (co-recipient)
- 2016 – Katherin Wangsness (co-recipient)
- 2015 – Ewa King, PhD
- 2014 – Sanwat Chaudhuri, PhD
- 2013 – Michael Wichman, PhD, MS
This award honors a laboratorian whose leadership has been instrumental in one or more advances in laboratory science, practice, management, policy or education within roughly five to ten years of working at a publicly-funded laboratory that conducts testing of public health significance. The advances should have potential resonance as a best practice, model policy, exemplary system, etc., beyond the originating laboratory. A potential candidate may have:
- Had a position of leadership within a public health, environmental or agricultural laboratory that led to advances in laboratory science, practice, management, policy, or education
- Participated in community, agency, or national committees/workgroups
- Had a critical role in identifying and addressing emerging issues in public health, environmental or agricultural laboratories
The above are examples to help the nominators frame their response and are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of potential attributes that describe the successful nominee for this category.
Candidates may or may not be a member of APHL. However, they must be employed at an APHL member institutional laboratory. Candidates may hold any rank or title within their respective institutions. Managerial or formal leadership experience is not required.
Past Winners:
- 2024 – Kelly Oakeson, PhD
- 2023 – Emily McCutchen, MS (co-recipient)
- 2023 – Michael Perry, MS, MS Ed. (co-recipient)
- 2022 – Lauren Turner, PhD
- 2021 – Drew Fayram, MS, RBP(ABSA)
- 2020 – Marty Soehnlen, PhD, MPH
- 2019 – Marie-Claire Rowlinson, PhD, D(ABMM)
- 2018 – Jennifer Rakeman, PhD
- 2017 – Erin Bowles, BS, MT(ASCP)
- 2016 – Lixia Liu, PhD, MP(ASCP), D(ABMM) (co-recipient)
- 2016 – Laura Naught, PhD, NRCC(TC) (co-recipient)
- 2015 – Andrew Cannons, PhD, HCLD(ABB)
- 2014 – Scott Shone, PhD
- 2013 – Sanjib Bhattacharyya, PhD
- 2012 – Maria Ishida, PhD
- 2011 – John (Jack) Bennett, Jr.
- 2010 – Robyn Atkinson, PhD
- 2009 – Grace Kubin, PhD
- 2008 – Leslie Wolf, PhD
- 2007 – Patrick Luedtke, MD
- 2006 – James Rudrik, PhD
This award honors an individual or laboratory staff outside of the APHL membership that makes significant contributions to the advancement of public health laboratory science and/or practice. The award is appropriate for a variety of people or agencies and will recognize support provided to meet critical needs in public health laboratories; this award could potentially be given to public health program leaders, state health officials, or federal agencies who (for example):
- Are nationally recognized leaders in the field of public/environmental health
- Build consensus on emerging/challenging issues
- Have made significant contributions to the advancement of public/environmental health laboratory science/practice
The above are examples to help the nominators frame their response and are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of potential attributes that describe the successful nominee for this category.
Past Winners:
- 2024 – Barbara Cassens
- 2023 – Nathan Grubaugh, PhD
- 2022 – Donald Burr, PhD
- 2021 – Beverly Metchock, DrPH, D(ABMM)
- 2020 – Ronald Klein, MS, MS
- 2019 – Emilio Esteban, DVM, MBA, MPVM, PhD
- 2018 – Ambassador Deborah Birx, MD
- 2017 – Donald Sharp, MD, DTM&H
- 2016 – William Smith (co-recipient)
- 2016 – Nancy Thiex, MS, Med (co-recipient)
- 2015 – Robert Kobelski, MS, PhD (co-recipient)
- 2015 – Bernard Branson, MD (co-recipient)
- 2014 – Lara Phelps, MS
- 2013 – Desiree Mustaquim, MPH
- 2012 – Martha Lamont
- 2011 – John Griggs, PhD
- 2010 – Robert Maxfield, MS
- 2009 – Allan Antley, BA
- 2008 – Dorothy Sussman, RN, MFA
- 2005 – Paul Duffer, PhD (co-recipient)
- 2005 – Neil Buist, MB, ChB (co-recipient)
This award honors a laboratorian with over 10 years of related service in the field of biosafety and biosecurity in a state and/or local public health laboratory, private clinical laboratory or external partners (i.e., US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Food and Drug Administration and US Environmental Protection Agency). The honoree will be recognized as a leader both within their institution as well as externally (for example, by serving in a leadership role in committees/taskforces at the national level). The honoree must have been instrumental in:
- Providing technical and public presentations and publications
- Developing/advocating for best practices in biosafety/biosecurity
- Identifying and presenting emerging issues in the field
- Conducting or promoting research that lead to improvements or advancing policy in the field of biosafety/biosecurity
The above are examples to help the nominators frame their response and are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of potential attributes that describe the successful nominee for this category.
Candidates may or may not be a member of APHL. Candidates may hold any rank or title within their respective institutions. Managerial or formal leadership experience is not required.
Past Winners:
- 2024 – Anna Liddicoat
- 2023 – Leah Gillis, MS, PhD, HCLD(ABB)
- 2022 – Jill Power, MS, M(ASCP), CMQ/OE(ASQ) (co-recipient)
- 2022 – Carrie Anglewicz, MS (co-recipient)
- 2021 – Elizabeth Weirich, MS, SM(NRCM), CBSP(ABSA)
- 2020 – Michael Perry (MS, MS Ed.)
- 2019 – Andrew Cannons, PhD, HCLD(ABB) (co-recipient)
- 2019 – Scott Hughes, PhD (co-recipient)
- 2018 – Philip Lee, MSc, FIBMS
- 2017 – Michael Pentella, PhD, MS, D(ABMM) (co-recipient)
- 2017 – Christina Egan, PhD, CBSP (co-recipient)
The LEAD Award, established in 2021, recognizes the legacy of Eva J. Perlman, APHL's first chief learning officer, who over three decades helped shape the public health laboratory workforce and represented the attributes of ‘serving those who have served.’ The criteria for the award are based on characteristics inspired by Eva through her service to APHL and our members. The LEAD award will honor an individual who exhibits the attributes of a leader, encourager, advocate and developer, and who has approximately 10 or more years of service in a state, local or territorial public health laboratory, or other public health laboratory partner.
- As a leader, the recipient demonstrates results to the formation and growth of leadership development initiatives.
- As an encourager, the recipient consistently supports career progression and champions individual development.
- As an advocate, the recipient applies their skills to the laboratory community for workforce priorities and resource needs.
- As a developer, the recipient continues to go above and beyond in their responsibilities to strengthen leadership at the state, local, territorial or national level.
The above are examples to help the nominators frame their response and are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of potential attributes that describe the successful nominee for this category.
Candidates and nominators may or may not be a member of APHL. Candidates may hold any rank or title within their respective institutions. Managerial or formal leadership experience is not required.
Past Winners:
- 2024 – Denise Toney, PhD, HCLD
- 2023 – Kristina McCallum (co-recipient)
- 2023 – Kelly Winter, PhD, MPH (co-recipient)
- 2022 – Renee Ned-Sykes, PhD, MMSc
The Award for Outstanding Contribution to Workforce, Training and Continuing Education (formerly known as the ‘Thomas E. Maxson Education, Training and Workforce Development Award’) honors an individual who has made outstanding contributions to public health laboratory workforce development, training or continuing education.
Nominees must be an employee of an APHL member laboratory or CDC and should be a public health laboratory scientist, administrator, trainer or educator who has:
- Made significant contributions to the advancement of workforce development and training in public health laboratory science and practice.
- Worked to provide continuing education opportunities, programs, policies or practices internally and/or externally through outreach to their public health partners.
- Demonstrated a history of service with APHL committees, taskforces or workgroups focused on workforce development, continuing education or training.
- 2024 – Rolinda Bailey
- 2023 – Crystal Fortune, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM, RBP(ABSA)
- 2018 – Shoolah Escott, MS, MT(ASCP)
- 2017 – Susanne Zanto, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM, SM
- 2016 – Nicole Green, PhD, D(ABMM)
- 2014 – Christina Egan, PhD, CBSP (co-recipient)
- 2014 – Martin Evans, PhD, MS, MT(ASCP) (co-recipient)
- 2013 – Maria Paz Carlos, PhD, DVM
- 2012 – Renee Beckham
- 2011 – Jo Ann Jellison, MS, MT(ASCP)
- 2010 – Judy Delany, MS, MPH, MT(ASCP)
- 2008 – Rebecca Perdue, MT(ASCP)
Detailed information about award categories including bios of past winners.
Nomination Considerations
- Award winners are limited to one award per year and, with the exception of the Healthiest Laboratory Award, awards should be conferred on an individual or laboratory only once. Laboratories are eligible to win the Healthiest Laboratory Award every three years.
- If you are unsure about your or your nominee’s APHL membership status, please contact membership@aphl.org.
- Multiple nominators are required for all award categories; however, only the user account that created the nomination form will have editing rights. Please choose the primary nominator with this in mind.
- Self-nominations are not accepted.
- You can revisit any incomplete nomination forms at your convenience upon login to the awards site.
- APHL staff are available to assist you with confirming information about a nominee but are not eligible to nominate or receive an award – please do not ask them to submit a nomination on your behalf. If you would like assistance with confirming information, please contact the APHL staff member of your choice or email membership@aphl.org.
- With the exception of the Lifetime Achievement and Healthiest Laboratory Awards, current members of the APHL Board of Directors are not eligible to receive an award.
How to Nominate
Please read this list of instructions in its entirety before proceeding to next steps.- If you do not have an APHL online account, create one by clicking “Create Account” on the top right of the page. If you already have an APHL online account but you need to reset your password, please do so now.
- Log in to the application portal by clicking the “user login” button. Enter your email address and password. If you are already logged in, click on the dashboard button to begin your nomination.
- Explore our award nomination categories and review award descriptions and considerations prior to choosing an appropriate category for your nominee.
- Review the eligibility requirements for both nominators and nominees to ensure that you qualify for the awards categories of interest.
- Click on the Nominations Dashboard button above to access the APHL Awards Program nomination forms. In the Nominations Dashboard, if you need to return to the Nominations Portal Homepage, please click on the small house icon in the left side of the teal ribbon
- Save your nomination as a draft often throughout the process. You will not be able to submit the nomination as final until all required information within the nomination form is provided. Saved nomination forms can be found on the Nominations Dashboard landing page.
- Submit the nomination as final once you’ve completed all sections. Before clicking the “submit as final” button, please review the entire nomination form to ensure all of your responses are written as intended. You will receive a confirmation pop-up message once your final submission has been received.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact APHL’s Membership Team at membership@aphl.org.
Decision Process
- APHL’s Ad Hoc Awards Vetting Committee is formed from a diverse list of volunteers of your peers from APHL membership.
- Nominations are judged solely on the material submitted.
- The Awards Vetting Committee will review all nominations; its recommendation will be considered and decided upon by APHL’s Board of Directors.
- Once final decisions have been made by APHL’s Board of Directors, APHL staff will inform nominators and award winners of their status.
- Formal recognition for APHL's Awards Program will take place at the APHL Annual Conference.
If you do not have an account with APHL, please use either a permanent personal or permanent professional email address to create account now.
Nominate Your Public Health Champions Today!
View the video in VimeoKEY DATES
Nomination period open | Jan 21, 2025 |
Nomination period close | Feb 18, 2025 |
Contact Us
Association of Public Health Laboratories7700 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1000
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 240-485-2745
Email: membership@aphl.org